
24 - 27 October 2024 - İSTANBUL

9. European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies Congress (EuroCOOP)

Dear  Colleagues,

The Organizing Committee is delighted to extend our invitation to you for  EUROCOOP (European Ozone Corporations ) and MODER (Medikal Ozon Oksijen  Dernegi) International Ozone  Congress, which will take place in Istanbul from October 24th to 27th, 2024.

Our Special Scientific Committee has created a program that covers a wide range of topics in Clinical use of ozone in various diseases,Dentistry and Veterinary

We aim to provide you with the latest insights and advancements. Esteemed academics, leaders, and experts will share their expertise through presentations, and specialized courses and workshops.

Let us unite to shape our field's future and foster meaningful connections within our community. May your presence strengthen our resolve and inspire further advancements in our field.

With warm regards,

Lale Yeprem MD

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